Calling All Volunteers!


The 2024 box season is around the corner and we want you to think about how you could volunteer with your kids lacrosse team: manage, wash jerseys, or even coach!

We welcome and respect all our volunteers; our association needs you, and we can help you get involved in a way that is meaningful to you. We need Team Managers, Coaches & Assistants and Game Day Helpers.

** Note: A criminal record check is required if you are planning to coach in any aspect, even if just handling the door

You will require a code in order to start the application process. Please check with our Secretary who will provide you with the link & code to complete your application.


Coaching Applications are accepted from December 15th to January 31st

Download Coaching Application

If you are interested in coaching forĀ our 2024 season, please fill out your coaching application at the link above and email it to Ken at:

If you are interested in going a step further in volunteering with our association and are looking at a position on our board, please contact our President:

Coaches & Managers

Be aware that in your binders you will find a how to for the timeclock and scorekeeping. However, you and your game day volunteers can review the following videos we have posted here.